Maths Curriculum at Glynwood
Aim and intent
Essentially, we want our children at Glynwood to enjoy mathematics and the challenges that the subject brings. We want our pupils to be confident mathematicians and to develop long lasting skills and deep knowledge that will help them succeed in school and in the wider world. We aim to provide them with challenging tasks and activities that promote thinking and reasoning skills as well as fluency.
Scheme of work
We follow the national curriculum and use the Abacus scheme of work to help us deliver an interesting and stimulating maths curriculum where all children are challenged to try and achieve mastery of the skills and objectives being taught. This ensures high expectations for all pupils and means that all children will be taught the specific areas of maths pertinent to their age group, but challenged and supported where necessary along their mathematical journey. Our challenge is to teach the curriculum in a way that helps children know more and remember more of what they study, so that their learning becomes embedded and helps deepen their understanding.
National Curriculum overviews for each year group
The overview for what children will cover in maths during a specific year is also on the school website should parents, governors or anyone else wish to know what maths is being delivered in school (just look in the dropdown menu that is titled year group overviews).
Maths policy and calculation booklet
We have a school calculation policy that often proves useful to parents who wish to support their child with work at home – this document is again on the school website in addition to the general subject policy (dropdown menu Curriculum/Maths /Maths Calculation Methods).
Practising maths
All pupils should receive homework from time to time and also have login details to help them practise online at home with things like times tables – please see your child’s teacher if you need help accessing these websites. Encourage your child to practice at home. If we think about how much time we dedicate to teaching our children to read and write, we could all try to support their mathematical learning too.
Subject lead
Mr Otterson is the Maths subject lead within school and is always happy to help parents if they want more information about maths or how to support their child at home with their learning. Feel free to pop into school any time before or after school for a quick chat or to make an appointment for a more in-depth session if needed.
Thank you for your support.