Registration Opening Times
Nursery AM: 8:45am
Reception to Year 6: 8:45am
Nursery PM: 12:15pm
Total hours per week
Reception to Year 6: 32.5
8.45 am
Morning Nursery session begins
8.45 am
Doors open for registration (R – Y6)
9.00 am
Morning session begins Reception – Y6
10.05 am
Morning break (15 mins) Y1 and 2
10.30 am
Morning break (15 mins) Y3 – Y6
11.45 am
Morning Nursery session ends
11.45 am
Lunch break begins for Reception
11.50 am
Lunch break begins for Y1 & Y2
* 30 hours Nursery – 8.45 am – 3.00 pm