Welcome To Our New Website!
Welcome To Our New Website!
Glynwood Community Primary School

Our Curriculum

Welcome to Glynwood Nursery, we work closely with our Reception staff to ensure that all children at our Nursery are given every opportunity to be ready for their next steps into the world of education.  We understand the importance of providing a curious environment where children feel safe to explore, investigate and use their imaginations. We carefully consider the unique need of our children before embarking on planning our learning journey, ensuring our plans are relevant and meaningful.  As practitioners we take turns to get to know each individual. We want them to be brave, love the world around them and themselves and to know how to be a good friend and kind and considerate of others.

Our curriculum is developed accordingly, inspired by the needs and interests of the children. We also have a story bases element to our planning. We plan teaching and learning opportunities and also prioritise time to become deeply involved in the children’s self-initiated activities. This enables us to encourage sustained shared thinking to develop the children’s learning, skills and knowledge. Continuous provision and enhancements are provided both inside and outside for children to access freely, enabling child initiated and adult supported learning.  Carefully planned adult led tasks ensure consolidation and extension of skills. Specific feedback, higher level questioning and encouragement are given to the children about their learning and how they have learnt is a crucial part of our teaching, as well as sharing this with parents to encourage ongoing conversations.

The ‘plan, do, review’ cycle is constant throughout our Early Years setting. The impact of our curriculum, learning and teaching is constantly assessed and any concerns are flagged and addressed promptly. Our aim is for our impact to enable our children to reach their full potential with ease and joy!

Nursery Sessions
We are a full day nursery. We offer 5 morning sessions, 5 afternoon sessions or 30 hours (5 full day sessions).