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Glynwood Community Primary School


Curriculum Intent- RE

At Glynwood primary school, we follow an Agreed Syllabus which has been developed using Gateshead and SACRE guidelines.

The teaching of RE is intended to enrich and enhance learning, whilst promoting the spiritual, moral, social and cultural development of our pupils.

A vertical approach to learning is achieved through a carefully planned curriculum which provides continuity and progression and enables children to develop skills through the delivery of age appropriate teaching and learning experiences. Pedagogical approaches include the use of discussion, artefacts and local visits which fully immerse children into the beliefs, practises and rituals of a range of religions.

RE will be taught both as discrete lessons on a half-termly basis and across the curriculum through church visits, assemblies with members of the community and class circle times.

We understand the positive impact that members of our local community, including parents, carers and governors can have on the delivery of the subject and actively encourage their involvement.