Welcome To Our New Website!
Welcome To Our New Website!
Glynwood Community Primary School

School Meals

All children in Reception and Key Stage 1 are entitled to a free school meal each day. 

Wherever possible please try and book your child’s meal choice via Parentmail at least 24 hours in advance.

For Key Stage 2 children the price of a school meal is £2.75 or £13.75 per week.  You can pay for school meals via the Parentmail App. or alternatively send the money on a Monday morning in an envelope with your child’s name written on the front.  All meals must be paid for in advance.

Free School Meals

If you are in receipt of certain benefits you may be entitled to free school meals. Entitlement also allows school to claim additional funding for your child (Pupil Premium).
If you are entitled we offer a selection of uniform funded from the Pupil Premium budget we receive from the government, to start the new academic year in September.

The easiest way to apply is by visiting

www.gateshead.gov.uk/article/7433/free-school-meals and click on ‘Apply For Free School Meals’.

Alternatively, you can apply by downloading a form from the same page and e-mailing it to benefitsfsm@gateshead.gov.uk or by contacting the department direct on 0191 433 3729.

We request that pupils keep to the same meal each day.

Packed Lunches

Please send your child’s lunch in one small, named box.

Drinks should be in a plastic container of some kind, glass bottles and cans are not acceptable.

Please do not send sweets or chocolate as these are not allowed in school.  As a Healthy School Award winning school we would ask you to support us by providing your child with a healthy packed lunch. E.g. a sandwich, a piece of fruit, a yoghurt and a treat – crisps/ cake/ biscuit.

Home Lunches

Children may go home for lunch.  However, for safety reasons they should not return to school until just before the afternoon session begins.