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Welcome To Our New Website!
Glynwood Community Primary School

School Uniform

Children are required to wear the following uniform and ask for your support in ensuring this. 


  • Navy blue cardigan, sweatshirt/jumper.
  • Polo shirt, either white or pale blue.
  • Trousers or skirt, either navy blue, grey or black
  • Black shoes or trainers


  • Pale blue or white polo shirt
  • Trousers, skirt or shorts either navy blue, grey or black
  • Black shoes or trainers
  • Other checked or striped summer dresses

Children will need to have a change of clothing for P.E lessons

  • Pale blue T-shirt
  • Black or navy shorts
  • Trainers or sand shoes
  • NO football tops
  • PE kit should be brought to school in a bag every Monday and left at school until Friday, then taken home for washing over the weekend.

All clothing and personal possessions should be clearly marked with the child’s name.

Children should not wear jewellery in school, except an inexpensive watch. 

Earrings – For Health and Safety reasons children should not wear earrings to school.  Earrings should be removed before they come to school each day.  If you cannot physically remove your child’s earrings, then please tape them up before they come into  school. School staff are not able to add tape or plasters to children’s ears. If it is a PE day and your child is wearing earrings and they are unable to remove them themselves, we will phone home and ask that a parent/ carer either comes to school to remove the earrings or tape the earrings up.  If this is not possible then unfortunately your child will not be able to take part in the PE lesson and will be asked to complete a different task instead.

 We do not require children to wear uniform displaying the school logo. However you can purchase items of uniform with the logo from our supplier Logos Unlimited. Please see below for a direct link to the Glynwood School page on their website. Please be advised that purchasing uniform from Logos Unlimited is not mandatory.
