From responses to surveys and through discussions, parents think very highly of the school. This view is reflected in discussions held with pupils.
Teaching is consistently good with much that is outstanding. Pupils are fully engaged in their learning because of the wide range of experiences that they are introduced to through an exciting curriculum.
Pupils’ attitudes towards school work are exemplary. Teachers have high expectations and pupils rise to the challenges set for them.
Pupils are set work at the correct levels and are challenged to succeed.
Mostly lessons proceed at a brisk pace. Occasionally, teachers spend too long at the start of lessons explaining things which can limit the time pupils have to show what they can do and stops them being more actively involved in learning for themselves.
Teaching assistants are highly trained and work exceedingly well in lessons to support children of different abilities. They play an important role in ensuring that pupils eligible for the pupil premium and those with disabilities or special educational needs progress in line with other students.
Leadership and governance are outstanding because of the strong and highly effective commitment to continually drive improvement.
Responsibilities are very skilfully delegated so that all teachers have a role to play in the development of the school.
Our school was last inspected in June 2013. We were judged to be a Outstanding School.
From their individual starting points, pupils make outstanding progress across the school and now leave with attainment above that expected for their age.
The higher than average proportion of pupils eligible for pupil premium progress extremely well and outperform this group nationally.
Disabled pupils and those who have special educational needs also make very good progress in line with other pupils.
Behaviour and safety are outstanding. Pupils are friendly and extremely polite. They are taught from Nursery to behave well and respect others.